April 14, 2005

Twenty Years of Business Programming to be Converted to Open-Source

Tri-Stanna Industries of Morehead City, NC, will convert more than twenty years of business management programming into Open-Source 'Intranet' web services. Over 750,000 lines of code for business information processing from a variety of platforms, operating systems and languages will be involved in the conversion to 'Web' standards.

Tri-Stanna Industries was formed in the late eighties, as an extension to the engineering services of our family business. Our engineering background has been in the industrial, manufacturing and electrical fields and culminated in the automated production of 'Business Information Systems'. Our modular systems included many facets of business control in both large and small operations. We focused then and now on reliability, security, and utility.

Tri-Stanna Industries provides services that can make affordable and maintainable 'Information Systems' a reality for the business community. Our systems can run on a single PC or serve multi-national operations with centralized mainframes or clusters. We provide evaluation, design, procurement, installation and training services for any size business or organization.

We feel that the 'Open-Source" community offers the best opportunity to strengthen and provide growth for worldwide business operations. It allows each business to compete using information that is crucial to it's success. We need business community support to complete this conversion. The services that we provide to help individual businesses get started in moving forward will also help us to survive to convert more code to general 'Open-Source'. The additions and modifications to our 'GPL' code remain with the sponsor to protect their business secrets and practices.

The Menu selections and Data Forms will be available as they are converted and will be in XHTML1.0-strict and CSS-2 format with XML extensions. They will be copyrighted and released under the 'GNU General Public License'. and will be posted at "www.tristanna.com" under the 'Menu Tree' selection. All the other components are "Open-Source" and aree currently available on the internet.

The components of each completed system are:


Users are able to navigate the program selections in a descending 'Menu' structure using the keyboard or a pointing device. The selections included in each menu segment reflect the requirements of the individual business, department and user.


Each successful business collects information about vendors, customers, and products in a format that is unique to their operations. This should be preserved in their information system. Each of our forms can be easily modified to include any content that can benefit a particular business.


The data record files produced by the system are able to be exported as ASCII or EBCDIC, fixed-field-length or character-delimited files regardless of the original persistant format. The records in those files can then be easily imported into another system or data format.


We recommend "Open-Source" systems such as 'LAMP' (Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP). Other databases and client-side and server-side interfaces can be used with the 'Menus' and 'Forms' to provide unlimited user depth and security. Permissions for each running program must be confirmed by authorization of the uniquely identified user and/or machine.

Contact :  Bill Fahy       3210 Country Club Rd.       Morehead City,   NC  28557
252-247-3037             info@tristanna.com